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Frequently Asked Questions

What is AloneHardware?
AloneHardware specializes in advanced penetration testing hardware tailored for cybersecurity professionals. Our portfolio includes PCIe FPGA DMA boards, HDMI fusers, and the KMBox device, which are designed to empower in-depth system analysis and security research.

What products do we offer?
Our product suite encompasses specialized tools for comprehensive cybersecurity endeavors, featuring PCIe FPGA DMA boards for seamless memory access, HDMI fusers for integrated debugging, and the versatile KMBox for streamlined device control.

How can our products benefit cybersecurity research?
Our hardware solutions enable direct system interrogation and vulnerability probing, facilitating thorough security assessments and research beyond conventional software-based defenses.

What is Direct Memory Access (DMA)?
DMA refers to hardware components’ capability to directly access and manipulate system memory, circumventing the CPU. This functionality is crucial for executing rapid data operations and is a cornerstone of effective security research.

What is an HDMI Fuser?
An HDMI Fuser merges debugging streams with HDMI video signals, enabling real-time monitoring of debug data through standard displays, particularly useful for remote debugging scenarios.

What is a KMBox (Net/B+)?
A KMBox likely serves as a sophisticated keyboard-mouse switch, allowing a single set of input devices to command multiple computers seamlessly, an invaluable tool for multi-system environments.

What sets AloneHardware apart from competitors?
Our distinction lies in our unparalleled customer support, premium-grade products, and competitive pricing, ensuring an exceptional experience for our clients.

How long does delivery take?
Delivery timelines range from 3 to 8 days, contingent on the recipient’s location.

How can I contact AloneHardware for more information?
We invite you to join our Discord community here for detailed inquiries and personalized support through ticket creation.